April-May 2011 Quick Links, Part 3

…Enables The Google Social “Scraping” It’s Upset About.” * Not everyone loves the WSJ “What They Know” series. * Kate Kaye of ClickZ on which of the half-dozen Congressional privacy…

College Course Description Aggregator Loses First Round in Fight Against Competitor in Scraping Case — CollegeSource v. AcademyOne

…an unnecessarily high-risk move for CollegeSource to bring this iteration of the lawsuits. Having said that, AcademyOne’s experience reiterates the potential problems with scraping. Inevitably, scraping will gather up legally…

Top 5 Cyberlaw Developments of 2010, Plus a 2010 Year-in-Review

scraping. Oracle hit a grand slam with the damages in this case, ranking highly on several all-time-largest-awards charts. And the top cyberlaw story of the year goes to… #1: Wikileaks….

Nov.-Dec. 2010 Quick Links, Part 3 (Special Extra-Long Copyright Edition)

By Eric Goldman * Oracle got a $1.3B jury verdict in its anti-scraping lawsuit against SAP. My prior blog coverage (1, 2, 3). This is one of the largest copyright…

“Trends in Internet Law” Talk Slides

…designed to prop up online authenticity using regulatory tools. * Scraping * First Sale and Exhaustion. I’ll write a separate blog post recapping our excellent event last week. * Are…

Anti-Scraping Lawsuit Largely Gutted–Cvent v. Eventbrite

…have it that way.” This is the basic litigation posture that Facebook is taking with Power.com–Facebook Connect yes, scraping no. Coverage of Other Scraping Cases We don’t have a scraping

Another Trademark Owner Apparently Gives Up Lawsuit Against Google–Parts Geek v. US Auto Parts

…Parts and Google. It’s not clear if the venue transfer was fatal to the case, but it certainly didn’t help Parts Geek’s cause. There was an interesting competitive website scraping

Interesting Database Scraping Case Survives Summary Judgment–Snap-On Business Solutions v. O’Neil

…to anyone who thinks scraping solves a business problem they are having. If anything, this case was unusually defense-favorable because the replacement vendor (O’Neil) was scraping the customer’s (Mitsubishi’s) data…

CAN-Spam-a-Friend?–Hoang v. Reunion.com

Hoang v. Reunion.com sidesteps an eagerly anticipated legal dispute over the legality of commercial address book scraping and ‘send-to-a-friend’ emails, and also highlights the damage that can cascade when a…

July 2008 Quick Links, Part II (Non-IP Edition)

…the finger-pointing at SAP for supervising its subsidiary. Still unresolved: the size of SAP’s check to Oracle, and possible jailtime for TomorrowNow folk. * Thomas O’Toole: Illinois adds anti-scraping provision…