By Eric Goldman Today I attended the State of the Net conference, sponsored by the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee. This event has become the “go-to” event for Internet policy wonks. Well over 300 people attended, including many well-known folks….

By Corynne McSherry and Eric Goldman [Eric’s note: this is a bit of an unusual post for this blog, as it is being simultaneously posted both here and on the EFF Deep Links site] The tussle over keyword advertising has…

By Eric Goldman Regular blog readers know that I have mixed emotions about Wikipedia. On the plus side: * Wikipedia is a terrific and fascinating resource that I use multiple times a day (Wikipedia remains the #2 visited site in…

By Eric Goldman Every now and then, we see comical efforts to claim trademark rights in common Internet-related terms. You might recall that the word “Internet” itself was once a trademark (see a list of registrants dated 1994); the term…

By Eric Goldman Schwartz v. Comcast Corp., 2007 WL 4212693 (3d Cir. Nov. 30, 2007) This case just crossed my desk, and I’m surprised it hasn’t gotten more attention. (Declan at wrote about it with a misdirected headline, and…

By Eric Goldman Today I participated in the Pike & Fischer teleconference on Web 2.0 legal issues (” Best Practices for Businesses Exploring…Exploiting…and Expanding in Web 2.0″). Among other things, I was asked, in 8 minutes or less, to provide…

By Eric Goldman I have posted my annual Cyberlaw recap, enumerating the top 10 Cyberlaw developments from 2007, at InformIT. You’ll have to read the whole thing to find out my votes for the biggest developments from last year (can…

By Eric Goldman 1-800 Contacts, Inc. v., Inc., 2:08-cv-00015-SA (D. Utah complaint filed Jan. 8, 2008) My my, look who’s decided to go back into court! It’s none other than 1-800 Contacts, the online retailer with a lousy trademark…

Some of the places I’ll be this semester. As always, please let me know if I should plan to see you there! January Jan. 15: Best Practices for Businesses Exploring…Exploiting…and Expanding in Web 2.0, Pike & Fischer teleconference Jan. 26:…

By Eric Goldman A look back at 2007: Most Popular Blog Posts 1) The Most Effective Anti-Terrorism Law EVER 2) Utah Bans Keyword Advertising 3) Rescuecom v. Google Law Professors’ Amicus Brief [overflow from #1] 4) — An Update…