[Post by Venkat] Melaleuca, Inc. v. Hansen, No. CV 07-212-E-EJL-MHW (D. Idaho; Sept. 30, 2010) I blogged in June about a CAN-SPAM case in the District of Idaho involving CAN-SPAM and state law claims asserted by Melaleuca, a “multi-level marketing…
[Post by Venkat] DSPT International v. Nahum, Case No. 08-5506 (9th Cir.; Oct. 27, 2010) This case involves the familiar story of a company leaving the domain name registration in the hands of someone who performed web design services (in…
By Eric Goldman State v. Berry, 2010 WL 4226707 (Or. App. Ct. Oct. 27, 2010) This is yet another case involving sex with an underage girl where the defendant believed she was older than she actually was. See my previous…
By Eric Goldman Copyright * Greg Sandoval discusses copyright trolls with Cindy Cohn. You may recall I had an “interview” with Cindy as a guest lecture in my Internet Law course. And a belated congratulations to Cindy for her recognition…
[Post by Venkat] Pace et al. vs. AIG, 8 C 945 (N.D. Ill.; Nov. 1, 2010) As the court notes in this case, ‘I missed a deadline because I did not receive electronic notice of a filing’ is becoming the…
By Eric Goldman Young v. Facebook, 2010 WL 4269304 (N.D. Cal. Oct. 25, 2010). The initial complaint. Kashmir Hill covered the initial complaint filing in this case, and you should start with her post. The short story is that Facebook…
By Eric Goldman Rosetta Stone and five amici groups have filed their briefs in the Fourth Circuit appeal in Rosetta Stone v. Google. The filings: Rosetta Stone’s opening appellate brief. It appears Rosetta Stone has new appellate counsel: Terrence Ross…
[Post by Venkat] State v. Altajir, AC 31375 (Conn. Ct. App. Sept. 14, 2010) Defendant (Altajir) was involved in an accident in 2004, and pleaded no contest to one count of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence and…
By Eric Goldman Simmons v. Danhauer & Associates, LLC, 2010 WL 4238856 (D. S.C. Oct. 21, 2010) Proxibid provides an online auction platform similar to eBay, except that Proxibid vets auctioneers before they can conduct an auction. Danhauer used Proxibid’s…
[Post by Venkat] Concerned Citizens for Crystal City, et al. v. City of Crystal City, et al., No. ED 94135 (Mo. Ct. App.; Oct. 26, 2010) In 1991, Pittsburgh Plate and Glass Company shut down a factory in Crystal City…