Associated Press on Spam Filters

Associated Press article about IAP spam filters, specifically going after Verizon’s policies. There’s not really much new in this article, but it does give me a chance to make a few points about spam filters: * any type of filtering…

Spim Arrest

Anthony Greco allegedly becomes the first person arrested for “spim” (instant messaging spam). But the LA Times article continues: “MySpace spokesman Bennet Ratcliff explained that the company’s messaging system is technologically more like regular e-mail than instant messaging, and users…

Avoiding Attention Distractions

Katie Hafner writes a good article on the difficulties we have avoiding distractions when we use our computer. It’s so true! There are so many temptations and messages competing for our attention. I know I struggle with this—there’s always something…

Randall Stross Whines About Spam

Randall Stross writes an article whining about spam as pollution and complaining that the recipient pays for spam. Haven’t we heard this argument before? As a matter of fact, we have. Often. A long time ago (his own article cites…

Pornmeister Liable for Affiliate’s Spam

A settlement involving Sobonito Investments, a Cyprus pornmeister that used an affiliate marketing scheme to generate traffic. The affiliates engaged in bad email practices, and the advertiser was put on the hook. This situation is clearly covered by CAN-SPAM but…