Online Trust Conference Recap

By Eric Goldman On October 2, Santa Clara University held a half-day conference called “Trust Online.” This event was co-sponsored by the Center for Science, Technology and Society, the High Tech Law Institute, the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics and…

August 2007 Quick Links, Part II

By Eric Goldman * e360 Insight v. Spamhaus Project, 2007 U.S. App. LEXIS 20725 (7th Cir. Aug. 30, 2007). An email marketing company was listed on Spamhaus’ ROSKO and sued for defamation and other torts in Illinois. Spamhaus took the…

Fourth Amendment Privacy Case Law Bonanza

By Ethan Ackerman In June, privacy advocates generally celebrated the Sixth Circuit’s important 4th Amendment ruling in US. v. Warshak. But hot on its heels, the Ninth Circuit sobered the tone rather quickly in US. v. Alba, declining to find…

Domain Names Can’t Be Trespassed– v. YouTube

By Eric Goldman Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Corp. v. YouTube, Inc., 2007 WL 1655507 (N.D. Ohio June 4, 2007) Boy, this case got a lot of attention when it was first filed (which isn’t surprising; YouTube lawsuits usually do)….

Zango Claims Spyware Doctor SE Surreptitiously Deletes Its Software

By Eric Goldman Zango, Inc. v. PC Tools Pty Ltd., 07-2-15844-8SEA (Wash. Superior Ct. complaint filed May 15, 2007) We’ve seen a fair amount of tussling between adware vendors and anti-spyware software vendors, including a battle over the incorporation of’…

April 2007 Quick Links

By Eric Goldman * Rebecca blogs on CollegeNET, Inc. v. XAP Corp., 2007 WL 927946 (D. Or. March 26, 2007), where a jury awarded $4.5M in damages under 43(a) because the defendant had a privacy policy saying it wouldn’t disclose…

March 2007 Quick Links Part 2

By Eric Goldman Yesterday I posted the Google edition of my list of interesting items from March. Today I post the remainder of items that caught my eye last month. Trademarks/Brands * Bosley Medical Institute v. Kremer, 2007 WL 935708…

Oracle v. SAP Lawsuit Comments

By Eric Goldman Oracle Corporation v. SAP AG, 3:07-cv-01658-EMC (N.D. Cal. complaint filed March 22, 2007) I realize I’m a couple weeks late to this story, but it’s too important/interesting a case not to address. TomorrowNow (TN) is a company…

February 2007 Quick Links

By Eric Goldman * The California Highway Patrol (which, for reasons unclear to me, has investigatory power here) has concluded that the Angelides campaign did not break any laws when they reverse-guessed URLs on Schwarzenegger’s website and found an unrestricted…

December 2006 Quick Links

By Eric Goldman * JP Enterprises, Inc. v. HDVE, LLC, 1:06-cv-01046-REB-PAC (D. Colo.). In June 2006, JP Enterprises sued Yahoo for selling its trademarks for keyword-triggered ads. In December, JP Enterprises and Yahoo stipulated a dismissal of the case against…