Judge Koh Puts the Kibosh on LinkedIn Referral ID Class Action — Low v. LinkedIn

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani] Low v. LinkedIn, 11-CV-01468-LHK (N.D. Cal.; July 12, 2012) This case involves the fact that LinkedIn put users’ unique identifiers into its URLs, allowing advertisers (and others) to associate that unique identifier with users–and, potentially, access…

Why Defensive Domain Name Registrations Aren’t a Good Deal for Small Businesses (Forbes Cross-Post)

By Eric Goldman [Introductory note: every article has a backstory, but some backstories are more complicated than others. Earlier this year, I was commissioned by a well-known publication to participate in a point/counterpoint regarding registering domain names in new TLDs….

Announcing a New Casebook: “Advertising & Marketing Law: Cases & Materials” by Tushnet & Goldman

By Eric Goldman I’m thrilled to announce the public release of a new casebook, Advertising & Marketing Law: Cases and Materials by Rebecca Tushnet and me. We are publishing the book as a DRM-free PDF download at Scribd for only…

H1 2012 Quick Links, Part 3 (Advertising & Privacy)

By Eric Goldman Advertising * Gomez-Jimenez v. New York Law School: False advertising lawsuit against NYLS dismissed. Rebecca’s coverage. * Marketing Land: Pew Survey: 68% View Targeted Ads Negatively; 59% Have Noticed Targeting. Partially related: Search Engine Land: Pew Report:…

Confirmatory Opt-Out Text Message Doesn’t Violate TCPA – Ibey v. Taco Bell

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani] Ibey v. Taco Bell Corp., 12 CV 0583 (HVG) (S.D. Cal.; June 18, 2012) Plaintiff responded to an invitation to complete a survey about Taco Bell and “voluntarily sent a text message . . . to…

Men’s Journal Beats Lawsuit Alleging Violation of California’s “Shine the Light” Privacy Statute — Boorstein v. Men’s Journal

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani with comments from Eric] Boorstein v. Men’s Journal LLC, 12-771 DSF (Ex) (C.D. Cal.; June 14, 2012) California’s Shine the Light (STL) statute is a little unusual in that it mandates that businesses make specific disclosures…

Recap of the Fourth Trademark Scholars Roundtable at DePaul University

By Eric Goldman In April, Graeme Dinwoodie and Mark Janis once again convened a roundtable of trademark law scholars to geek it out on trademark law. Group photo. This year’s theme was “trademark boundaries,” i.e., how trademark law abuts against…

Trademark Registrant Isn’t Required to Shut Down Competitive Keyword Advertisers–STK v. Backrack

By Eric Goldman STK LLC v. Backrack, Inc., Cancellation No. 92049332, 2012 WL 2024459 (TTAB May 21, 2012). The TTAB designated this opinion “non-precedential,” which they do with the vast majority of their opinions. Deborah Gerhardt, Leah Chan Grinvald and…

Backpage Gets TRO Against Washington Law Attempting to Bypass Section 230–Backpage v. McKenna

By Eric Goldman Backpage.com, LLC v. McKenna, 2:12-cv-00954-RSM (W.D. Wash. June 5, 2012). The complaint. Backpage’s TRO motion. As part of states’ ongoing crusade against online prostitution ads, earlier this year Washington enacted SB 6251, captioned “Regulating advertising of commercial…

Franchisor Really, Really Unhappy With Franchisee’s Co-Promotion With a Topless Bar–Capriotti’s v Taylor

By Eric Goldman Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop, Inc. v. Taylor Family Holdings, Inc., 2012 WL 1448514 (D. Del. April 25, 2012). The complaint and exhibits A-D, E-H and I-O. Some background. Capriotti’s is a franchised fast-food sandwich chain, with its signature…