Lawyer Rating Service Sued–Browne v. Avvo

By Eric Goldman Browne v. Avvo, CV7 920 (W.D. Wash. complaint filed June 14, 2007) You may have heard about Avvo, the latest entrant in the suddenly crowded field of lawyer ratings/rankings. Avvo pulls together a variety of third party…

AutoAdmit Fiasco Turns Into a Lawsuit–Doe v. Ciolli

By Eric Goldman Doe v. Ciolli, 307CV00909 CFD (D. Conn. complaint filed June 11, 2007) AutoAdmit is a message board for law students and related groupies. It’s a relatively untamed corner of cyberspace. The site owners have espoused a relatively…

More Defendants Lose 230 Defense

By Eric Goldman On the heels of the train wreck, two more defendants have had their 47 USC 230 defenses rejected. Interestingly, both cases come out of Tennessee federal courts in the Sixth Circuit–not normally known as a problem…

May 2007 Quick Links

By Eric Goldman Spam * MySpace Inc. v. The Inc., No. CV 06-3391 RGK (C.D. Cal. Feb. 27, 2007). This case has some personal interest because was one of my flagship clients before I left the law firm…

Steinbuch v. Culter Update: Cox Out, Cutler Bankrupt

By Eric Goldman Two updates in the always-interesting Steinbuch v. Cutler case. 1) Steinbuch v. Cutler, No. 05-970 (D.D.C. May 16, 2007). Ana Marie Cox, the Wonkette blogger–who was brought into the suit merely for linking to the allegedly tortious…

Perfect 10 v. CCBill Update: Ninth Circuit Denies En Banc Rehearing

By Eric Goldman The Ninth Circuit has denied an en banc rehearing in Perfect 10 v. CCBill. In doing so, the court amended its opinion to reinforce that it really, really meant that 47 USC 230 preempts all state IP…

Summary of Perfect 10 Decision

By John Ottaviani Eric suggested that I post this brief summary of the Perfect 10 v. Amazon decision: The 9th Circuit issued a lengthy opinion today, largely favorable to search engines and ISP’s. In 2006, the district court made its…

Ninth Circuit Opinion in Perfect 10 v. Google and Amazon

By Eric Goldman Perfect 10, Inc. v., Inc., CV-05-04753-AHM (9th Cir. May 16, 2007) In yet another lengthy and highly technical opinion from the Ninth Circuit (fast becoming their specialty), the Ninth Circuit has addressed the crucial case of…

Ninth Circuit Screws Up 47 USC 230–Fair Housing Council v.

By Eric Goldman Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley v., LLC, CV-03-09386-PA (9th Cir. May 15, 2007) Just a couple months ago, in Perfect 10 v. CCBill, the Ninth Circuit issued an incredibly expansive 230 ruling. Today, in…

Social Networking Sites and the Law

By Eric Goldman On Monday, the High Tech Law Institute is co-sponsoring an event entitled “Friends, Lovers, Trust, Safety: The Present and Future of Social Networking.” The principal audience is undergraduate students, but everyone is welcome. One of the hot…