Algorithm for Analyzing Liability for Contributing to Copyright Infringement
By John Ottaviani Professor David Post has an interesting article (free subscription required) in the August 3, 2005 issue of the National Law Journal, in which he reviews the “Sony doctrine” of secondary liability for copyright infringement. In Sony, the…
Implications of Grokster Presentation
By John Ottaviani Here are the slides from a presentation I gave Saturday on the “Implications of Grokster” at the American Bar Association meeting in Chicago. The more interesting part of the presentation is toward the end, discussing “what we…
First Camcordering Arrest
As part of its Operation Copycat (a sub-action of Operation Site Down), the DOJ announced the arrest of Curtis Salisbury for two counts of camcordering movies in theaters (“The Perfect Man” on June 21, 2005, and “Bewitched” on June 28,…
Answer in AFP v. Google
Agence France Presse v. Google Inc., Civil Action No. 1:05cv00546 (D.D.C. answer filed May 19, 2005). Following up on my earlier coverage of AFP v. Google over Google News, I have found the answer and put it online. As is…
Misguided CNET Article on Canadian Copyright Law and Caching/Archiving
CNET ran an odd article today entitled “In Canada: Cache a page, go to jail?” The article discusses some proposed changes to Canada’s copyright law that allegedly would make search engine archiving an infringement. It quotes a bunch of intelligent…
Class Action Settlement in Electronic Databases Case–Should I Participate?
In re. Literary Works in Electronic Databases Copyright Litigation, M.D.L. No. 1379 (SDNY). This case involves the republication of print articles in electronic databases like Westlaw and Nexis without authorization (part of the fallout from Tasini and similar cases). The…
Top Internet IP Cases of 2005 (So Far)
For the past two years, John Ottaviani and I have compiled a list of the top Internet IP cases of the year. (Despite the attribution, John O. did all the heavy drafting work). See our lists for 2003 and 2004….
Operation Site Down–The Latest Warez Group Bust (vintage 2005)
The FBI conducted another major International bust of warez groups involving 90 searches and four arrests. The DOJ press release. AG Gonzales’ statement. The AP story. This is only the latest of a string of major busts of warez trading…
Shocking Revelations About BitTorrent
By Mark Schultz Ernest Miller, Ed Felten, and I (clearly the lesser blogger of the three) have been blogging about what happens to BitTorrent after Grokster. Ernie Miller has discovered a circa 2001 cybermanifesto in which BitTorrent creator Bram Cohen…
More on BitTorrent and Grokster
Mark Schultz Ernest Miller notes that I should address the new trackerless BitTorrent and BitTorrent search created by Cohen. He was right. So, here goes. As Wired News reported a few weeks back, Bram Cohen and fellow developers released two…