Domain Name Regulation Talk and McGeorge ICANN Conference Recap

By Eric Goldman Yesterday, I went to the McGeorge conference on ICANN and domain names. My slides from my talk entitled Keyword Regulation and Domain Name Exceptionalism. I made the point (first outlined in my Deregulating Relevancy article) that domain…

Ezor on Email Blocklists

By Eric Goldman Jonthan Ezor has posted a short paper (10 pages + endnotes), Busting Blocks: Appropriate Legal Remedies For Wrongful Inclusion In Spam Filters Under U.S. Law, to SSRN. This article deals with thorny issues created by email blocklist…

Advertisers Settle NY Anti-Adware Action

By Eric Goldman Earlier this week, the New York Attorney General’s (NYAG) office issued a press release with the blazing all caps headline: GROUNDBREAKING SETTLEMENTS HOLD ONLINE ADVERTISERS RESPONSIBLE FOR DISPLAYING ADS THROUGH DECEPTIVELY INSTALLED “ADWARE” PROGRAMS Groundbreaking…or groundless? After…

Keyword Law and Blog Law Presentations

By Eric Goldman I took a lovely (but wet) 30 hour trip to Portland to give 2 talks: * Keyword Law talk (substantially revised from my last talk on the topic August 2005) * Blog Law talk (modestly revised from…

NY v. DirectRevenue Hearing Transcript

By Eric Goldman I previously blogged on the New York v. DirectRevenue case and the amicus brief that David Post, Scott Christie and I filed. Last week, there was a hearing on DirectRevenue’s motion to dismiss. The transcript. Note that…

One Judge’s Derisive View of Junk Faxes as Conversion

By Eric Goldman Rossario’s Fine Jewelry, Inc. v. Paddock Publications, Inc., 443 F. Supp. 2d 976 (N.D. Ill. Aug. 17, 2006). I’ve blogged before on courts’ rejection of a common law conversion claim based on the receipt of junk faxes….

Article on Regulating Marketing–A Coasean Analysis of Marketing

By Eric Goldman Eric Goldman, A Coasean Analysis of Marketing, 2006 Wis. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming). In 2001, I had a career-altering epiphany while I was working at Epinions (this is the topic that prompted me to consider becoming a…

Must Websites Comply with the ADA (and State-Law Equivalents)? National Federation of the Blind v. Target

By Eric Goldman National Federation of the Blind v. Target Corp., No. C 06-01801 (N.D. Cal. Sept. 6, 2006) This case got a fair amount of attention when it first came out, so I’m a little late to this party….

New York v. Direct Revenue Amicus Brief

By Eric Goldman David Post, Scott Christie and I have filed an amicus brief in New York v. Direct Revenue LLC, No. 401325/06 (N.Y. Supreme Ct.), one of Spitzer’s office’s high-profile enforcement actions against adware companies. Among other aggressive positions,…

Internet Law Updates Talk

By Eric Goldman Yesterday I gave a talk called “Internet Law Updates” at an event sponsored by the California State Bar’s IP Section. My slides.