Calboli on Trademark Assignment in Gross
My colleague Irene Calboli has written a paper on trademark assignment in gross entitled Trademark Assignment With Goodwill: A Concept Whose Time Has Gone, scheduled to be published in the Florida Law Review later this year. She thoroughly recounts the…
Marquette Joins BSA’s Initiative
Marquette’s Announcement Marquette sent out the following announcement yesterday: “Marquette is participating in the launch of “Define the Line,” a national program aimed at discouraging illegal sharing and downloading of software. The program calls upon students, faculty and staff to…
Happy Mother’s Day from Your Loving Son (and Your Friendly FTC Bureaucrat)
Nothing tells your mom that you love her like an e-card with soft piano music, floating butterflies, pretty wildflowers…and some consumer protection tips from the FTC. Thanks to the Washington Post for the pointer. Becomes Adware Bundle-Free Zone has declared itself adware bundle-free—all downloads from will be certified not to be bundled with adware. Personally, I think this step goes a little far. Many of the software programs offered on are shareware or freeware, so…
ICANN’s Domain Name Tax on .Jobs and .Travel
I missed this before—perhaps I wasn’t the only one. ICANN has repeatedly attempted to impose a “tax” on domain names. This was first proposed back in 1999 and again at the end of 2004. Now, at the end of March,…
Widmaier on Internet Trademark Law
Uli Widmaier of Pattishall, McAuliffe, Newbury, Hilliard & Geraldson LLP has written an important new article, Use, Liability, and the Structure of Trademark Law, 33 Hofstra L. Rev. 603 (2004). The article makes a persuasive argument why keyword triggering should…
Adware Vendor Sued by New York Attorney General
New York v. Intermix Media (complaint filed April 28, 2005). Elliott Spitzer has sued software vendor Intermix Media (formerly eUniverse) for violations of New York’s consumer protection act, false advertising and common law trespass to chattels based on Intermix’s “spyware/adware.”…
Is Camcordering Ever Legitimate?
I exchanged emails with Ed Foster regarding the anti-camcordering portion of the ART Act. Ed expressed concerns about the proportionality of criminalizing camcordering, and he has a point. Merely recording a movie is not, by itself, harmful. At worst, camcordering…
Bush Signs Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of 2005
Not surprisingly, Pres. Bush signed the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of 2005 into law today. My critiques on film skipping and new criminal sanctions. UPDATE: Fred von Lohmann offers his characteristically clear-headed perspective on the Family Entertainment and Copyright…
Walmart Foundation Uses Copyright to Curtail Griper
The Walmart Foundation has gone after the gripe site “” using 512(c)(3) notices to take down images that the griper took from A few observations about this: * copyright is an extremely effective tool against gripers. Using a 512(c)(3)…