The Victorian Internet

By Eric Goldman Tom Standage, The Victorian Internet (1998). Find it at and Amazon [the Amazon link is an affiliate link] As you might infer, I’m not at the cutting-edge of reading books. I don’t read that many books…

Geolocation and A Bordered Cyberspace

By Eric Goldman I recently gave a talk on the general theme of the future of e-commerce, and I was allowed to take the topic in any direction. I decided to talk a little about the propagation of geolocation technology…

Google Resists Subpoena for Keyword Ad Purchases–Connor Sport Court v. Google

By Eric Goldman Connor Sport Court International, Inc. v. Google Inc., CV-06-3066 PHX JAT // CV 07-80252 (N.D. Cal. motion to compel filed Oct. 31, 2007) This summer, I reported on trademark litigation between Connor Sport Court and Rhino Court….

Ripoff Report Gets Mixed 230 Ruling–Children of America v. Magedson

By Eric Goldman Children of America, Inc. v. Magedson, CV 2007-003720 (Arizona Superior Ct. Oct. 24, 2007) In a ruling reminiscent of Hy Cite v. badbusinessbureau, an Arizona trial court dismissed a plaintiff’s defamation claims against Ripoff Report based on…

Chandler on Regulating Search Engine Bias

By Eric Goldman I find the topic of search engine bias especially fascinating because it seems to bring out strong pro-regulatory sympathies in many people. Just about every academic (other than me) who has written on the topic has sought… Motions over Batzel Briefing

By Eric Goldman Now that the case is pending en banc, let the games begin! The first round: the Fair Housing Councils want to submit a brief arguing why the Ninth Circuit Batzel precedent should be overturned in light…

Vendor of Illicit Phone Records Not Protected by 230–FTC v. Accusearch

By Eric Goldman Federal Trade Commission v. Accusearch, Inc., 06-CV-105-D (D. Wy. Sept. 28, 2007) Accusearch (a/k/a Abika) offers for sale records of telephone calls made by telephone subscribers. Abika doesn’t acquire the records itself directly from the phone companies;…

Blogger Wins Lawsuit Over Gripe Post–BidZirk v. Smith

By Eric Goldman BidZirk, LLC v. Smith, 2007 WL 3119445 (D.S.C. Oct. 22, 2007) I have previously blogged about BidZirk v. Smith, a flagship example of how a pernicious and misguided plaintiff with a thin skin can ruin a blogger’s…

Google’s Motion to Dismiss American Airlines’ Lawsuit Denied

By Eric Goldman American Airlines, Inc. v. Google, Inc., 4:07-cv-00487 (N.D. Tex. Oct. 24, 2007) In an uninsightful one-page order, the court has denied Google’s motion to dismiss American Airlines’ lawsuit over Google’s keyword advertising sales. Because the judge reveals…

Interesting Contract Interpretations in Eighth Circuit Fantasy Baseball Case–CBC v. MLB

By Eric Goldman CBC Distribution and Marketing, Inc., v. Major League Baseball Advanced Media, L.P., No. 06-3357/3358 (8th Cir. Oct. 16, 2007) You’ve already heard about this case, which held that MLB’s right of publicity claim against a fantasy baseball…