Savvy Louisiana Ruling on Metatags–Southern Snow v. Snowizard

…confusion to the jury, yet to create a lighter burden where metatags are involved, given that with metatags the consumer never actually sees the trademark or knows that it is…

Nov.-Dec. 2010 Quick Links, Part 1 (Trademarks and Advertising Edition)

…B’s conduct focusing on the creation of a new website as well as its contacting Hargis customers, using metatags and purchasing domain sites using the term “sealtite” or phrases containing…

SEO/Web Design Consultant Faces Contributory Trademark Liability for “Copycat” E-Commerce Site–Roger Cleveland Golf v. Price

…were used, but we know that (a) Google ignores keyword metatags and (b) judges mistakenly think that keyword metatags are the holy grail of SEO. If you’re an SEO who…

April-May 2010 Quick Links Part 1 (IP Edition)

…Minnesota Law Review. The abstract: The commercial development of the Internet has been punctuated with legal disputes over the use of trademarks as domain names, as metatags, as search terms,…

Geographic Trademark Leads to Interesting (& Tortured) Injunction–Skydive Arizona v. Quattrocchi

…on any page of any website in any location on any websites registered, owned, or used, directly or indirectly, by any of the Defendants I find the fretting about metatags

Keyword Ad and Product Shots Case Survives Motion to Dismiss–FragranceNet v. FragranceX

…claims that FragranceX put its trademarks in the metatags (good grief, another plaintiff who needs to internalize that Google ignores keyword metatags) and bought them as AdWords keywords. FragranceX responds…

Top Cyberlaw Developments of 2009 (Eric’s List)

…case of 2009. * Google’s keyword metatag announcement. Courts generally treat the inclusion of third party trademarks in keyword metatags as per se trademark infringement. But Google has confirmed that…

Torrent Sites Induce Infringement and Lose DMCA Safe Harbor–Columbia v. Fung

…[An aside: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, DON’T USE KEYWORD METATAGS EVER FOR ANYTHING. Google ignores them but judges still think keyword metatags mean something, and at least one technical “expert” (of…

Google Confirms That Keyword Metatags Don’t Matter

By Eric Goldman Few Internet technologies have horked cyberlaw as much as keyword metatags. Back in the 1990s, some search engines indexed keyword metatags, which encouraged some websites to stuff…

Ninth Circuit Groaner About Metatags–Art Attacks v. MGA

By Eric Goldman Art Attacks Ink LLC v. MGA Entertainment, Inc., CV-04-01035-RMB (9th Cir. Sept. 16, 2009) What is it about metatags that cause legal folks to believe they have…

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