Blogger Wins Lawsuit Over Gripe Post–BidZirk v. Smith

By Eric Goldman BidZirk, LLC v. Smith, 2007 WL 3119445 (D.S.C. Oct. 22, 2007) I have previously blogged about BidZirk v. Smith, a flagship example of how a pernicious and misguided plaintiff with a thin skin can ruin a blogger’s…

Interesting Contract Interpretations in Eighth Circuit Fantasy Baseball Case–CBC v. MLB

By Eric Goldman CBC Distribution and Marketing, Inc., v. Major League Baseball Advanced Media, L.P., No. 06-3357/3358 (8th Cir. Oct. 16, 2007) You’ve already heard about this case, which held that MLB’s right of publicity claim against a fantasy baseball…

September 2007 Quick Links Part I

By Eric Goldman Marketing * From the NYT: There are 200+ auto repair shops in the “Iron Triangle” area in New York, and apparently they compete fiercely with each other, shouting out price quotes as cars needing repairs drive by….

The 4th Amendment in your inbox

By Ethan Ackerman While the 4th Amendment gets litigated more often than, say, the 10th Amendment, it is still rare when a court finds federal law unconstitutional for inadequately protecting a 4th Amendment interest in email’s privacy. Earlier this week,…

AutoAdmit Fiasco Turns Into a Lawsuit–Doe v. Ciolli

By Eric Goldman Doe v. Ciolli, 307CV00909 CFD (D. Conn. complaint filed June 11, 2007) AutoAdmit is a message board for law students and related groupies. It’s a relatively untamed corner of cyberspace. The site owners have espoused a relatively…

Steinbuch v. Culter Update: Cox Out, Cutler Bankrupt

By Eric Goldman Two updates in the always-interesting Steinbuch v. Cutler case. 1) Steinbuch v. Cutler, No. 05-970 (D.D.C. May 16, 2007). Ana Marie Cox, the Wonkette blogger–who was brought into the suit merely for linking to the allegedly tortious…

Judge Kozinski Talks About Cyberlaw

By Eric Goldman Last October, Judge Alex Kozinski of the Ninth Circuit chatted with me in my Cyberspace Law course for 75 minutes. If you listen to the recording, you’ll hear Judge Kozinski’s humorous thoughts on receiving gifts when he…

February 2007 Quick Links

By Eric Goldman * The California Highway Patrol (which, for reasons unclear to me, has investigatory power here) has concluded that the Angelides campaign did not break any laws when they reverse-guessed URLs on Schwarzenegger’s website and found an unrestricted…

Steinbuch’s Second Battlefront Against Cutler Shut Down

By Eric Goldman Steinbuch v. Cutler, 2007 WL 486626 (E.D. Ark. Feb. 7, 2007) Everyone’s favorite blog law case, Steinbuch v. Cutler, spilled over to a second front. While the lawsuit over Cutler’s blog posts continues in DC, Steinbuch initiated…

Griping Blog Post Leads to Lawsuit–BidZirk v. Smith

By Eric Goldman BidZirk, LLC v. Smith, 2006 WL 3242333 (D.S.C. Nov. 7, 2006) Despite all of the hype about blog law, the reality is that we’ve had comparatively few blog-specific lawsuits. As a result, we give extra attention to…

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