June 2009 Quick Links, Part 2

By Eric Goldman State Regulation of the Internet * iAWFUL, the Internet Advocates Watchlist for Ugly Laws * Texas HB 2003. Part of the anti-cyber-harassment mania. Very broad statute with lots of room for prosecutorial mischief. * BNA (BNA subscription…

ABA Antitrust Section Consumer Protection Conference Recap

By Eric Goldman Last month I attended the ABA Antitrust Section’s Consumer Protection Conference. This post recaps some highlights from the event. A few overarching themes: * in light of the country’s economic malaise, the FTC is focusing its enforcement…

June 2009 Quick Links, Part 1

By Eric Goldman Just a reminder that I post some items to Twitter that don’t make it into these monthly recaps. If you want even more, you can track a superset of my online activities at Friendfeed. Search Engines *…

Seventh Lawsuit Over Google AdWords–Jurin v. Google

By Eric Goldman Jurin v. Google, Inc., CV 09-03934 (C.D. Cal. complaint filed June 2, 2009) Frankly, I don’t know exactly how many lawsuits are pending against Google over its AdWords service. I know of seven, including this one, but…

Ninth Circuit Revives TCPA Claim–Satterfield v. Simon & Schuster

By Eric Goldman Satterfield v. Simon & Schuster, Inc., No. 07-16356 (9th Circuit June 19, 2009) Satterfield sued Simon & Schuster (and its mobile ad agency) for sending text messages to her cellphone without the requisite permission. The district court…

Securities Fraud Case Premised on Click Fraud Allegations Dismissed–Brodsky v. Yahoo

By Eric Goldman Brodsky v. Yahoo, Inc., 2009 WL 1766002 (N.D. Cal. June 18, 2009). The legal battles over click fraud are pretty much played out, but some legacy cases are still working through the system. This lawsuit was a…

47 USC 230 and Consumer Protection Talk Notes

By Eric Goldman Last week I made a very short presentation on 47 USC 230 and consumer protection at the ABA Antitrust Section’s Consumer Protection Conference. (I was scheduled for 6 minutes, but I think I took about 8). My…

Twitter, Email and Brand Engagement

By Eric Goldman Last week, in an interview with a reporter, I extolled the virtues of Twitter as a tool for brands to keep in touch with and engage their customers. The reporter responded by asking why brands would choose…

May 2009 Quick Links Part 1

By Eric Goldman Just a reminder that I’m posting some quick links exclusively to my Twitter account. Trademarks * Texas International Property Associates v. Hoerbiger Holding AG, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 40409 (N.D. Tex. May 12, 2009). Domainer loses ACPA…

An Insider’s Look at Utah’s Failed HB 450

By Eric Goldman Perry Clegg is a Utah IP attorney and the 2009 chair of the Utah State Bar’s Cyberlaw Section. A few months ago, he wrote an article entitled “Insight on Utah Senate’s Sedation of HB 450,” which provides…

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