Old TV Shows, Music Licensing and DVD Releases
Katie Dean writes a nice article about how the need for music licenses is inhibiting the release of classic TV shows on DVD, both because of the license fees and the sheer transaction costs of obtaining proper licenses. She also…
RIAA Settlement Tactics
Great article describing the RIAA’s tactics in trying to demand settlements with alleged file-sharers. I have had some conversations with people who have been RIAA targets, and this article is dead-on. The RIAA generally doesn’t bend or compromise beyond its…
The Long Tail
I recently caught up with Chris Anderson’s excellent Wired article The Long Tail from October 2004. This article discusses the consequences of disaggregating copyrighted content from the physical manufacturing/distribution/retailing chain that historically has been required to get that content to…
Google’s AutoLink tool
Google’s AutoLink tool has been in the news. AutoLink picks certain words on a web publisher’s page and turns those into hyperlinks of Google’s choosing. I’m struck by how often this idea has come up. I remember a client pitching…
Copyright Case on Photos and Descriptions
SMC Promotions, Inc. v. SMC Promotions, 2005 WL 292492 (C.D. Cal. Feb. 7, 2005). Plaintiff is a product distributor that relies on affiliate marketing. Plaintiff grants a copyright license to affiliates to use catalog photos and descriptions on the affiliates’…
Copyright in Tattoos
Tattoo artist claims copyright in the tattoo he put on Rasheed Wallace. Note to kids out there contemplating getting a tattoo: don’t do it, but if you do, at least practice safe tattoo-ing and get an adequate copyright license from…
Amicus Briefs in MGM v. Grokster
If you haven’t checked it out, 28 amici briefs have been filed so far in the MGM v. Grokster case, including three different briefs led by law professors. I find it particularly interesting that Sen. Leahy and Hatch submitted a…