“Hot Topics in UGC Liability” Talk Slides

By Eric Goldman Earlier this month, Internet law superstar Ian Ballon and I spoke for about 90 minutes on hot topics in Internet law. Watch the video by downloading or streaming (item #47) it. I spoke about recent legal developments…

Another Ripoff Report Win–A-1 Technology v. Magedson

By Eric Goldman [Note: I have a thick blogging queue of cases to tackle, so if I haven’t gotten to your recent favorites yet, a post may still be coming.] A-1 Technology, Inc. v. Magedson, 150033/10 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. June…

Injured Pedestrian Can’t Sue Google for Providing Faulty Map Information — Rosenberg v. Harwood

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani] Rosenberg v. Harwood, No. 100916536 (Utah District Court; May 27, 2011) [pdf] Lauren Rosenberg was struck by an automobile while walking along a rural highway “with heavy traffic and no sidewalks.” She sued the driver of…

April-May 2011 Quick Links, Part 4

By Eric Goldman Social Media * The footballer superinjunction (for Ryan Giggs) was much bigger news in Britain than it was here. From my perspective, it was just another effort by a foreign government to squelch a Silicon Valley Internet…

Ripoff Report Gets Another Big 47 USC 230 Win–Asia Economic Institute v. Xcentric

By Eric Goldman Asia Economic Institute v. Xcentric Ventures LLC, 2:10-cv-01360-SVW -PJW (C.D. Cal. May 4, 2011) The AEI Ruling Keeping alive its truly remarkable winning streak, Ripoff Report got yet another decisive 47 USC 230 victory. This challenge came…

Updates on DoctoredReviews.com and Medical Justice

By Eric Goldman You may recall our April launch of DoctoredReviews.com, a website explaining why Medical Justice’s form agreement, the “Mutual Agreement to Maintain Privacy,” was a bad deal for doctors, patients and review websites. See a list of the…

Review Website Should Get 47 USC 230 Dismissal But Judge Keeps Case Open in “Abundance of Caution”–Frontier Van Lines v. MoverReviews.com

By Eric Goldman Frontier Van Line Moving & Storage, Inc. v. Valley Solutions, Inc., 2011 WL 2110825 (W.D. Pa. May 24, 2011) MoverReviews.com is a review website for moving companies. Frontier Van Lines alleges that a MoverReviews user, Schmidt, made…

Cyberbullying and Restorative Justice [a Long-Delayed Post on DC v. RR]

By Eric Goldman [I’ve mentioned before that some posts get stuck in my blogging queue. This one got stuck for an incredible FOURTEEN months. Although its discussion about the specific case ruling is almost farcically untimely, I’ve decided that the…

Dentist Pays Sizable Penalty for Not Knowing 47 USC 230–Wong v. Jing

By Eric Goldman Wong v. Jing, 1-08-CV-12997I (Cal. Superior Ct. May 13, 2011). Wendy Davis’ story on this ruling, plus coverage in DrBicuspid.com. At DoctoredReviews.com, we discussed that doctors upset with patients’ reviews can always bring a lawsuit. However, as…

Another Unhappy Facebook User’s Lawsuit Tossed–Kamango v. Facebook

By Eric Goldman Kamango v. Facebook, 2011 WL 1899561 (N.D.N.Y. April 19, 2011). The judge approved the magistrate order on May 19, 2011. See Kamango v. Facebook, 2011 WL 1899277 (N.D.N.Y. May 19, 2011). The initial complaint. Kamango claims that…

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