Law Enforcement Collection of DNA

Recent legislative activity in the US Senate has brought some press attention to the touchy issue of DNA collection by law enforcement. Similar proposed and passed DNA legislation at the state and federal levels over the last several years has also drawn court challenges. As a result, a fair number of court opinions on the suject exist, enough to allow a quick look at the legal countours and legislative status of DNA collection laws.

U.T. v. Part 2 – state email filtering

This second post of a two-part posting continues looking at the 5th Circuit’s opinion in this unique case. The first post focused on the CAN-SPAM Act and how the court applied it in this case. This scond post will talk about 1st Amendment complications when a government agency or entity (in this case the University of Texas) adopts a filtering policy or blocks email.

White Buffalo – the 5th Circuit hits on

This two-part post it going to take a rather detailed look at the 5th Circuit’s opinion in this unique case, talking in Part One about the CAN-SPAM Act and how the court applies it in this case.

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