Tattoo Advertising/Human Billboards

By Eric Goldman One of my contracts final exam questions last semester involved a person who sold tattoo rights to an advertiser. This prompted me to do a little research, and it turns out this phenomenon isn’t all that new….

2005 Blog Year-in-Review

By Eric Goldman I generally avoid overly self-referential postings, but this post is a glaring exception. In this post, I’ll recap some of the blog highlights (and lowlights) of the past year, covering both this blog and my personal blog….

Keep on Suin’–Crumb v. Amazon

By Eric Goldman Crumb v., Inc., No. CV5-2113 (W.D. Wash. complaint filed Dec. 21, 2005). LA Times story on the case. Crumb created the groovy and famous Keep on Truckin’ cartoon in the late 1960s. I’m not going to…

Web Host Wins 230 Defense–Austin v. CrystalTech Web Hosting

By Eric Goldman Austin v. CrystalTech Web Hosting, 2005 WL 3489249 (Ariz. App. Div. Dec. 22, 2005) I can’t decide if defense wins under 230 are still worth blogging. Personally, I find them fascinating–I get a certain voyeuristic thrill watching…

Google Sued for Trademark Infringement Based on Third Level Subdomain–Jews for Jesus v. Google

By Eric Goldman Jews for Jesus v. Google, Inc., 05-CV-10684 (SDNY complaint filed Dec. 21, 2005) It’s no surprise that Google has been sued again for trademark infringement, but the basis of this lawsuit is surprising. Rather than another lawsuit…

Is the Florida Attorney General a Spammer?

By Eric Goldman This is hardly the first time that politicians have been caught spamming (in Florida or otherwise), but the irony is palpable. According to Reuters: “Charlie Crist was a staunch defender of a tough anti-spam law passed by…

Spam-Free-or-Die Video

By Eric Goldman I recommend joke videos pretty rarely, but this one made me laugh out loud! (and the music wasn’t too bad either). With its vigilante sentiments, it captures the prevailing anti-spam attitudes perfectly. Check out the “Spam-Free-or-Die” video,…

When Does a Privacy Policy Breach Support a Breach of Contract Claim? In re JetBlue

By Eric Goldman In re JetBlue Airways Corp. Privacy Litigation, 79 F. Supp. 2d 299 (E.D.N.Y. August 1, 2005) I’m late blogging this case, but the case is remarkable enough to warrant some comments even at this late date. As…

Report Challenges Value of Notifying Consumers of Data Security Breaches

By Eric Goldman ID Analytics has released a report trying to quantify the harms caused by data security breaches. The report sensibly distinguishes between different types of breaches–misappropriation of name and social security numbers are different, and in some ways…

City of Heroes Lawsuits Settled

By Eric Goldman A complex but interesting legal fight between Marvel and NCSoft, about City of Heroes players generating characters that look like Marvel-owned characters, has come to an end. The press release announcing the settlement. Settlement terms were not…

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