Congress Is Lovin’ the Internet…to Death?

By Eric Goldman Congress has an unresolved love-hate attitude towards the Internet. Through the 1990s, Congress frequently said that the Internet should be left alone from a regulatory standpoint. Indeed, in some cases, Congress affirmatively deregulated the Internet; 47 USC…

San Francisco Presentation, March 15 12:30 pm

By Eric Goldman I’m presenting my latest article, A Coasean Analysis of Marketing, at University of San Francisco on March 15. The talk is free and open to the public. Although the title suggests that the talk will be heavy…

NCSoft Sued in South Korea for ID Theft

By Eric Goldman NCSoft has been sued in South Korea for allowing users to improperly register Lineage/Lineage 2 accounts in other people’s official Korean ID number (I’m inferring this is similar to a social security number). More than 3,500 people…

Trademark Dilution Revision Act Update

By Eric Goldman It’s been a while since I’ve blogged on the Trademark Dilution Revision Act, HR 683 (now the Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006). The bill keeps chugging along. In February, it passed the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously…

Symantec v. Hotbar Lawsuit Settles

By Eric Goldman Symantec Corp. v., Inc., Case No. C05-02309 (notice of dismissal Feb. 1, 2006) In June, Symantec sought a declaratory judgment that Symantec could characterize Hotbar’s software as “adware.” This lawsuit has settled. According to ComputerWorld, “the…

NYU Workshop on Spyware March 16-17

By Eric Goldman NYU’s Information Law Institute and Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy are putting on “A Workshop on Spyware,” March 16-17, 2006 at NYU Law School. This looks like an interesting event that is worth checking out. Unfortunately,…

Barrett on Internet Trademark Use

By Eric Goldman Margreth Barrett, a law professor at UC Hastings, has published Internet Trademark Suits and the Demise of “Trademark Use,” 39 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 371 (2006). The article makes a persuasive argument that the trademark use doctrine…

Perfect 10 Wins Injunction Against Google

By Eric Goldman Perfect 10 v. Google, Inc., CV 04-9484 AMH (C.D. Cal. Feb. 17, 2006) A major new ruling in the running battle over search engines and copyrights–this time concluding that Google’s creation and display of thumbnail images may…

Top Cyberspace IP Cases of 2005

By John Ottaviani (with help from Eric) Cyberspace continues to present fascinating and novel intellectual property issues. What follows is our attempt at identifying some of the more significant “Cyberspace Intellectual Property” decisions of 2005. Once again, it was quite…

Blog Defamation Lawsuit Lacks Jurisdiction– v.

By Eric Goldman Software Development and Investment of Nevada d/b/a v. Wall d/b/a, No. 2:05-cv-01109-RLH-LRL (D. Nev. motion to dismiss granted Feb. 13, 2006) I generally avoid blogging about Internet jurisdiction cases. They tend to be fact-specific, and…

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