Court Denies Injunction in Webcam Case Against Aarons — Byrd v. Aarons, Inc.

…SpectorSoft.”) Similarly, it’s also unclear as to whether Aaron’s Inc. should face liability for the CFAA and Wiretap Act violations of Aspen Way employees or for the acts of its…

Court Finds That the Value of Bartered-For Services Constitutes Loss Under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act — Animators at Law v. Capital Legal Solutions

…that the CFAA expressly states that value of in-house time spent addressing a breach can go towards satisfying the loss requirement and this points in the direction that the CFAA

NebuAd Deep Packet Inspection Lawsuits Sputter — Deering v. CenturyTel & Green v. Cable One

…Claim but CFAA Claim Continues.”) As an update to that case, the court ruled that the claims were not subject to arbitration, but the defendant-ISP moved for reconsideration of this…

No Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Violation for Access of Facebook and Personal Email by Employee — Lee v. PMSI

…court rejects the employer’s claims in a ruling that I’m surprised did not include stronger language directed at defense counsel. The court notes that the CFAA was designed to prevent…

9th Cir: Access of Computer in Violation of Employer’s Use Policy Violates Computer Fraud and Abuse Act — US v. Nosal

…the employer’s use restrictions “exceeds authorized access” for purposes of the CFAA: as long as the employee has knowledge of the employer’s limitations on that authorization, the employee ‘exceeds authorized…

Flash Cookies Lawsuit Tossed for Lack of Harm–La Court v. Specific Media

…a CFAA claim. In a footnote, the judge wonders if the plaintiffs’ harm can be aggregated together to reach the $5k threshold. (I thought it could, so I’m intrigued what…

N.D. Cal.: Facebook Posts are Electronic Mail Messages, Subject to CAN-SPAM — Facebook v. Maxbounty

…which are subject to CAN-SPAM. Maxbounty also argued that Facebook failed to plead its Computer Fraud and Abuse Act claims with particularity. The court finds that CFAA claims are not…

Court: Husband’s Access of Wife’s Email to Obtain Information for Divorce Proceeding is not Outrageous

…by virtue of the divorce settlement. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act: The court denies summary judgment to both parties on the CFAA claim, noting that there is a factual dispute…

Deep Packet Inspection (NebuAd) Litigation: Court Dismisses ECPA Claim but CFAA Claim Continues

…at some recent CFAA dismissals and discuss the restrictive approach taken by some courts with respect to the CFAA’s jurisdictional damage requirement: “Dismissal of CFAA Claim for Lack of Jurisdiction”…

Anti-Bot Restrictions Aren’t Copyright Misuse–Oracle v. Rimini Street

…the claims, which goes almost nowhere. The court ends the negligent interference with prospective economic advantage but all of Oracle’s other challenged claims survive, including the CFAA, Cal. Penal Code…

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