Do You Want Pictures With That Download?

By John Ottaviani

OK, maybe it’s just a slow news day, or maybe it’s because I’m working on a presentation for next week on the implications of open source software for attorneys involved in mergers and acquisitions of software companies, and I’m ready to be distracted by almost anything.

So one of my searches turns up an article at Newsforge announcing that Playboy has set up a mirror site for Apache, Firefox and Thunderbird downloads at Apparently, Playboy uses open source a great deal in its technology operations, particularly servers. Setting up the mirror site is a way for Playboy to say “thank you” to the open source community.

The site is actually very plain and unremarkable. (Yes, I checked, but only to see if there were any articles). No pictures yet, but isn’t it only a matter of time before we find out if the marriage of open source and sex is a winning combination on the Internet?