[Post by Venkat] Melaleuca, Inc. v. Hansen, Case No. CV 07-212-E-EJL-MHW (D.Id; June 29, 2010) A federal magistrate judge in the District of Idaho dismissed spam claims brought by Melaleuca, Inc., in a (recommended) decision that’s not particularly noteworthy, except…

By Eric Goldman As I mentioned last week, in June I went to Paris to participate in an OECD Experts Workshop on Internet Intermediaries. At the end of the day, I was one of several people to try to summarize…

By Eric Goldman As you may recall, I have endorsed HR 4364, the Proposed Federal Anti-SLAPP Bill. This blog post catches up on some recent anti-SLAPP developments both in and out of the courtroom. First, many of you probably saw…

By Eric Goldman David S. Ardia, Free Speech Savior or Shield for Scoundrels: An Empirical Study of Intermediary Immunity Under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, 43 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 373 (2010) Let me start with…

By Eric Goldman Gucci America, Inc. v. Frontline Processing Corp., 2010 WL 2541367 (S.D.N.Y. June 23, 2010) This case relates to an online seller of Gucci counterfeit goods called TheBagAddiction.com, run by Laurette. Gucci already successfully shut down the counterfeit…

[Post by Venkat] I posted a ways back at Avvo’s blog about how the internet increasingly affects litigation by shining the light on abusive lawsuits or those that overreach. I didn’t mention something related that has become fairly common, and…

[Post by Venkat] In the Matter of Twitter, Inc. (FTC; June 24, 2010) (Consent Order) (FTC Press Release) Twitter recently agreed to a consent order with the FTC that requires Twitter to implement a variety of security measures with respect…

By Eric Goldman Viacom International, Inc., v. YouTube, Inc., 2010 WL 2532404 (SDNY June 23, 2010). The Viacom v. YouTube case has been noteworthy for numerous reasons. It involves the cherished Internet brands YouTube and Google, it’s been going on…

By Eric Goldman Last week, I participated in an OECD expert workshop on Internet intermediary liability in Paris. I will blog more about the OECD project and my trip to Paris shortly. In preparation for the event, I was asked…

By Eric Goldman Three recent appellate rulings, coming within 8 days of each other, illustrate how hard it is for an online griper to stay out of his/her target’s home court. None of these opinions are clearly wrong, but I…